Green Bay's Best Bat Removal

We've been voted Green Bay's best bat removal company the past two years!

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Bat Experts

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Trained & Educated

Licensed & Certified

About Green Bay Bat Removal

Welcome to We are the only qualified bat removal company in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Choosing the right animal control company can often be a challenge, because while price is of course an important consideration, you also want to make sure that you are getting a high quality service as well. Naturally, we feel we are your obvious choice, but if you do have a look at the reviews our customers have left us on sites like Facebook and Yelp, you will see that we have had hundreds of satisfied customers over the years. Our experience as an animal removal company means we are ideally positioned to carry out all aspects related to pest animal issues, but especially the more specialized work such as bat exclusion work. Bats are a particularly challenging species to deal with as they are flying creatures, with most pest animals either climbing or crawling rather than being able to fly away. For this reason, exclusion is the best way of dealing with a bat problem, and our technicians will use exclusion netting that doesn't harm any of the bats, but simply stops them from getting back in once they have left the loft space. Because bat droppings can have a risk of disease transmission when they are disturbed, our expert can also safely clean and dispose of these droppings, as well as being able to carry out any repairs and using a disinfectant mist to remove any remaining risk of disease transmission. If you have a bat problem, give our friendly team a call and see how we can help. We operate 24-7-365, so don't hesitate to call us at 715-952-4002 to discuss your bat problem and schedule a fast appointment.


We are experts at removing bats from residential properties. Whether you have a single bat trapped in your house, a colony roosting in your attic, and/or various other problems, there is no need to worry! During our removal process, we make sure to inspect your entire home carefully, tracking down all the entrypoints bats are using to invade your place. Next, we perform a process called live exclusion (where no bats are harmed and all exit your property), then seal all entry holes completely shut. We also take care of the cleanup process after, so your home is safe and clean!

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Besides residential areas, we also have a wealth of experience removing bats from commercial properties! We begin by investigating the area for possible bat entrances, covering holes even as small as 1/4 of an inch. Through our live exclusion process, bats leave the building through one-way exits, and we seal up every hole afterward. Once the bats have been removed, we perform a cleanup process. This includes dealing with guano, replacing damaged insulation, and decontaminating the place.

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Contact us for bat removal today!

What Our Customers Say

Using Mothballs or Ammonia on Bats

One look online will tell you that there are numerous, nearly endless at-home remedies for pests. Whatever type of pest you have around your home, there is some remedy from regular home goods that promises to remove them.

A popular solution for all types of animals, including bats, is mothballs or ammonia. The logic is that the odor from these items will repel the bats and make them want to go anywhere else.

It may make sense, but is there any truth to it? Is there a real reason why so many people use mothballs and ammonia, or is it another tall tale that has no truth behind it?

Will They Work?

No. At no point will mothballs or ammonia be an effective tool to remove bats, or any other animal for that matter.

They may make sense on paper, but it ignores something important – most animals do not care. They are not going to care much if they think they found a good place to live.

If they have safe shelter and access to food and water, what reason do they have to leave? An offensive odor, if they mind it at all, certainly is not going to remove them.

Dangers of This Method

You know now that they are not going to work, but, like many, you might assume it is worth a try. The items are cheap to buy and easy to place, so if they do not work, what have you lost?

The damage that mothballs and ammonia can do to the environment is not something to overlook so easily. Both can harm organic matter and, if ingested, can kill animals. Leaving these around your property can cause serious harm.

You will have to deal with the odor of the mothballs and ammonia, too. Since you are trying to use them on bats, you will have to use them in and around your home. That means that offensive odor is going to be a problem for you, likely more than it will be for the bats.

Better Options

With exclusion available, there is no reason to use a repellent that is not going to work. Do not rely on something unreliable and potentially dangerous when there is a safer, more effective option available to you.

Do not use mothballs and ammonia if there are bats on your property. Between it not working and the risks with using it, it is not worth it.